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Sigma Shooters Santa Fe 2006

Box-Car Function
Box-Car Function
Dynamic Old SF
Dynamic Old SF
St. Francis
St. Francis
Dana Knee with Ernest Knee Pix
Dana Knee with Ernest Knee Pix
One Way for a Long Time
One Way for a Long Time
Keep on Truckin'
Keep on Truckin'
Gate Detail
Gate Detail
Shade Tree
Shade Tree
Another Victim of Santa Fe Style
Another Victim of Santa Fe Style
Giant Laurence
Giant Laurence
Regulation Mail Receptacles
Regulation Mail Receptacles
Yellow Tree
Yellow Tree
El Parasol
El Parasol
David, Chunsum, Cecil, Dana
David, Chunsum, Cecil, Dana
Scrap Iron Bison
Scrap Iron Bison
What can I say?
What can I say?
Santuario de Chimayo
Santuario de Chimayo
Santuario de Chimayo exterior
Santuario de Chimayo exterior
Fill 'er Up
Fill 'er Up
For Sale
For Sale
Only in New Mexico
Only in New Mexico
Bell Tower
Bell Tower
Camel Rock
Camel Rock
Sunday Drivers
Sunday Drivers
Chunsum Hunting Glyphs
Chunsum Hunting Glyphs
Jerry Hunting Glyphs
Jerry Hunting Glyphs
David Hunting Glyphs
David Hunting Glyphs
Poofy Clouds
Poofy Clouds
Portal de Freon
Portal de Freon
Santa Fe Downtown
Santa Fe Downtown
Gnarly Aspen
Gnarly Aspen
Aspen Trunks
Aspen Trunks
Roadside Memorial
Roadside Memorial
Madrid or Thereabouts
Madrid or Thereabouts
Miner's Shack
Miner's Shack
Sandia Crest
Sandia Crest