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Barbara Read and Fred Schaad | all galleries >> Canadian Landscapes >> Canadian Rockies >> Banff National Park > Ready for Launch
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June 2006 Barbara Read

Ready for Launch

Banff National Park

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM ,Digital
Handheld, Av Priority, Circular Polarizer
1/60s, f/22, ISO 1600, 17mm, -2/3 EV full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)10-Nov-2011 18:56
Exquisite work! V
Guest 07-Nov-2007 01:22
excellent composition and exposure
Bill Warren09-Sep-2007 17:26
My favorite of your boat/scenics
Ashley Hockenberry10-Jul-2007 18:37
Great shot!!
Mindy McNaugher09-Mar-2007 04:45
Magnificent composition, colors and light! Stunning shot! Vote!
Nunes BEIRAO - PHOTO09-Mar-2007 02:00
Love the colorful compo, and beauty of wild landscape!
firstbrook08-Mar-2007 10:41
Luv it
Anna Pagnacco08-Mar-2007 10:30
Great composition! and light !!!
A wonderful capture...( V ) Ciao, Anna