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David Rabkin | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Kim Washburn 08-Oct-2012 16:43
I am learning about ancient Israel and the history of the twelve tribes. Your work helps to give me a visual of what it may have been like and where history took place. Thank you, I appreciate it much.
Henk D. 27-Apr-2011 19:59
Shalom David,thanks for your great photo's beautiful..........!
I flew last year May with my own motorglider from The Netherlands to Haifa - Masada-Deadsee, for my a incredible experience.
A great Country with great people.
Have a look on my homepage and view on trips, "The journey is your destination"
Greetings Henk.
Karen Genis 04-Jan-2011 19:10
Hello David, I found a relative of mine in your PBase, I wonder if you could connect him/them with me? Yuli Kosharovsky is my husband's uncle. Yuli's wife, Inna, is his aunt, sister of his dad, Anatoly Genis. I have a few pictures of the family to send them, and also let them know that Anatoly has been ill and last month he woke up from a coma, now he is searching for his sister Inna. It has been over 20 years... My email is Warmest regards, Karen Chang Genis. 4-Jan-2011.
Guest 17-Sep-2010 12:46
Hi David. Amazing collection of your work here. I've visited so many times, but still saw new things in your photos. I hope to come back to Israel soon!

- Chris (Polycom)
Julie meibaum 06-Apr-2010 13:12
Hi, i am researching King Herod today because of something i saw on tv last night. I have been online looking at heroditum palace and tomb, and I was led to your site. I am surprised by the colors and the beauty of such a stark land. The one thing that is missing is the colorful, traditional clothing of ancient times. I am sure that would have been beautiful to be seen, and brighten up the landscape also. Thanks
Max deBruyn 03-Feb-2010 06:39
I was looking to comment on your photos David because you have inspired me to come to the land where once King David ruled etc.Now that I qualify for senior citizen rates I can afford to because El Al is very nice to oldies.Never has I immagined the beauty of the land. I had been stationed in Cyprus and Egypt when we Canadians were part of the peacekeeping missions there but did not see the beauty there that I see in your photos. So I will be paying a visit soon and it's your fault. Unfortunately for you some people are inclined to use a photo commentary as a political soap box. All I can say to all who read this.Try to look at history as we do in Canada; there are always two sides to every story and let the politicians do their thing. They are only interested in re-election. Oh I forgot - Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.The rest don't have real elections to vote in. Oops now I; am on the soap box, sorry.
Guest 28-Jan-2010 22:55
×óäåñíûå ôîòîãðàôèè.Ýëè.
Yehiel Yisrael 19-Nov-2009 20:37
Shalom David and thanks for your important service. Your pictures of the process of our Geulah are indeed worth many words. I'm planning my return to HaAretz in 2010, BE"H, after too long b'HU"L. I'm trying to decide which yeshuv to join. I'm a psychotherapist, social worker and activist. I'm listening to Arutz Sheva as I recognize places and people in your galleries. I lived in Kibbutz Ein Tzurim, Yerushalayim and Beit Shemesh. I'm especially considering living in Tapuah, Shiloh, Kiryat Arba and hill tops. I'm open to any work as needed, in my field or however I can be useful. Hazaq uBarukh lKulanu!
Yehiel Yisrael, Returning from Oakland, California
Jan Lewandowski 10-Feb-2009 14:10
Beautifull and very interested for people, who live so far and nothing know about Israel.
Peace for your country.
JL Poland
Guest 16-Aug-2008 04:29
Beautiful,uplifting pictures. I am using one of them as my desktop background.God be with you. Paul
rasheed 21-Jul-2008 09:43
it is really sad to see and feel the rasizm in the poplulation distribution in palestine& Israel...even in the name to call that area,how come you david can continue to live there,and you admaire what you are picturing, haven't you thought about how many human have been killed in the areas u pictured..and for what? it is for preventing others to live normally,how many blood should irregate that land untill you start learn how to live without rasizm..... i hope one day it will be life in pazlstine and israel.
i am a palestinian, who forced to leave palestine, just because i said one day we all humans are the same..lets leave the religion to the history and the old guds, lets leave the ide of killing in the museums... and lets try to think ho to to like each other as humans.....
inna 08-May-2008 14:00
Hello, David. i liked very much your fotos. Is it possible have foto of Rav Eliahu Essas what i saw in your gallery with date 02. 2007? Please, write me to my e-mail. Inna
Gennady 08-May-2008 02:52
Hello, David
Great photos!
I want to talk to you. Is it possible to send you e-mail, and what address isn possible to use?
Best regards,
Gennady Mesh
Richard Haas 18-Apr-2008 08:39
Nice work, could you please contact me.
Greg Garrison 16-Apr-2008 05:48
One day I know I will ascend to Israel.My heart is already there.
Until than I will come to your site to see her and her people.
Thanks David,Shalom.
Valery 26-Dec-2007 07:23
Îòëè÷íî! Ïðåäëàãàåì ñîòðóäíè÷àòü. Îáúÿâëåíèå î âûñòàâêå â Èåðóñàëèìå ïîìåùåíî íà ñàéòå "Èçðàèëüñêèå ãîðîäà Online"
Alex Vishnyakov 26-Dec-2007 00:09
Îòëè÷íûå ôîòîãðàôèè! Ó òåáÿ ïîëó÷àþòñÿ íåâåðîÿòíî æèâûå ïîðòðåòû. Çäîðîâî!
Levi 03-Dec-2007 11:53
Hi! I am seeking image for Pinchas Polonsky artcile in Russian, maybe later in English Wikipedia. Wll you allow usage of your photo:86467345?
Guest 27-Jun-2007 13:03
Awesome photo gallery.
Damon Lynch08-May-2007 13:57
Are you a supporter of the JDL? Do you support the continued military occupation of Palestinians? Do you believe Arabs have equal human rights to Jews? Do you believe an Arab life is equal to a Jewish life?
Damon Lynch08-May-2007 03:46
Hi David. You say you know Hebron's Jews. Do you personally know members of the Jewish Defense League?
Guest 07-Mar-2007 06:28
It's a pleasure to spend a lazy evening sifting through your pictures.
Guest 21-Feb-2007 20:36
Great galleries, great views of Israel !