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Richard Calmes | all galleries >> Galleries >> VIETNAM WAR 1968-1969 > One of My Designs
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One of My Designs

I was fresh out of Architecture school and in the Corps of Engineers. This is a motor pool building. I used the two large beams to provide a clear span for large vehicles. This building was rocketed just after it was finished. It survived and no one was hurt.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jim Coppage 03-Apr-2011 18:24
Wasn't that an Ice Plant? We were right across the road, we were the ones that stole all your plywood. Jim C Signal Corp
MJ 16-Apr-2009 23:41
Sure looks better than the GP medium and sandbags I lived in (and, of course, I was lucky!
Gus Rosenfeld24-Jan-2007 04:06
It appears you paid attention to compression strength factors. At first I thought those were cast supports, but they would be way to heavy and therefore slow to their mark during combat. Looks to be a very efficient use of light materials to create exceptional load bearing strength. Did your teach' call you grasshopper? ;-) These images are really rich. g
Guest 14-Jan-2007 20:25
The ultimate test for the stability of your design!
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