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Ralph and Kylie Whitten | all galleries >> Ralph's Photos >> "Best" Galleries >> Best Water Photos > Sunset Over Lake Lefroy, Western Australia
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Sunset Over Lake Lefroy, Western Australia

Way back in 1988 I had to drive over this salt lake to get to the gold mine I was working in. I was there for six months and this was the only cloudless and windless day I saw there so I borrowed a car and drove back to make this image. The camera used was my first SLR, a Nikon F801 (N8008) and I think I was using Kodachrome film.

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Marisa Livet09-Sep-2008 18:08
Actually it's a photo of amazing beauty!
William Von Gonten07-Sep-2008 20:00
A real bearty!
Enrico Martinuzzi31-Oct-2007 13:13
This is breathtaking. GMV
Barry S Moore09-Oct-2007 23:08
Amazing colour. Voted
Linda Hendry25-Feb-2007 21:51
Amazing simplicity and color ... beautiful!
Guest 21-Jan-2007 15:08
I love the simplicity of this image... well spotted and very dedicated to drive back to location
Ken Zaret30-Nov-2006 16:16
great image, wonderful balance.
olivier bruning04-Nov-2006 09:22
wondeful minimalism! ~v~
Guest 18-Jul-2006 18:00
This is beautiful. Thank you for posting it.
Guest 26-Jun-2006 07:55
Simplicity at its finest. Superb.
Donald Verger11-Sep-2005 05:41
i love this one! vote!
bm09-Sep-2005 16:33
Well done!
bm09-Sep-2005 16:32
Well done!
René28-Aug-2005 00:01
really great work...
Ralph and Kylie Whitten29-Jul-2005 21:53
Thanks for the comment Adolfo. It's the abstraction that I like the best too. Re post processing - there was practically none. It was taken in 1988 with a Nikon F801 (N8008) and a Nikon 24-50mm lens using slide film. The colours were very intense when seen by the naked eye.

I actually had to drive over this lake on a causeway every day to get to the goldmine I was working in and in the six months I was there this was the only day with no clouds and no wind. Driving home from work I imagined I might get a nice photo so I borrowed a car the return for the sunset. It was worth the effort!
Guest 28-Jul-2005 19:06
There are tons of nice well executed sunset pictures out there. The special thing about this one is that it achieves that level of abstraction and makes the observer forget the fact that it's a sunset and just see beauty. Well done. It also looks like there is minimal post-process (maybe some saturation and horizontal cropping?)