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Barrie | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds -2004-2017 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birds -2004-2017

Birds seen in Eastern US - Block Island, RI, Jamaica Bay and other Long Island sites, NY, New York City- Central Park, Riverside Park and Morningside Park, and upstate NY -Adirondacks
Also taken in LA, Madagascar and South Africa
Click on each gallery to see photos
(Texas, Costa Rica, Belize, Panama, Ecuador, Baja California, Korea San Francisco Florida in separate galleries)
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Spring and Fall in Central Park 2016
:: Spring and Fall in Central Park 2016 ::
spring and fall in Central Park  2015
:: spring and fall in Central Park 2015 ::
:: spring_14 ::
:: fall13 ::
Spring Migration 2013
:: Spring Migration 2013 ::
Winter 2012-13 in New York
:: Winter 2012-13 in New York ::
Fall Migration 2012
:: Fall Migration 2012 ::
Spring Migration 2012
:: Spring Migration 2012 ::
:: winter11-12 ::
Fall Migration 2011
:: Fall Migration 2011 ::
Spring Migration 2011
:: Spring Migration 2011 ::
Fall Migration 2010
:: Fall Migration 2010 ::
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