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Rachel | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Pictures down Poppies Lane 2 morning after the bombing 12 Oct 2002 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Pictures down Poppies Lane 2 morning after the bombing 12 Oct 2002

pictures are not that great, could not walk far down the lane due to all the people and had to hold the camera above peoples heads to get the pictures that I did and had no idea what I was taking pictures of when I did take them.
Bali, down poppies lane
Bali, down poppies lane
Bali, down poppies lane, broken glass on side walk from store front morning after bombing
Bali, down poppies lane, broken glass on side walk from store front morning after bombing
Bali, pub bagus on Right (down poppies lane)
Bali, pub bagus on Right (down poppies lane)
Bali, down poppies lane
Bali, down poppies lane
Bali, down poppies lane
Bali, down poppies lane
Bali, down poppies lane
Bali, down poppies lane