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Phil Douglis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Gallery Twenty Eight: Using symbols and metaphors to express meaning > Abandoned School House, Moab, Utah, 2006
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Abandoned School House, Moab, Utah, 2006

What appears to be an abandoned school stands alone just behind the crest of a hill. This image is a blend of the three primary colors, yellow school, navy blue sky, and reddish earth. The yellow color brings the old school house into a vivid present, a color that could be interpreted as a symbol of renewal. Because the school is so small, I do not stress its ruination – we can’t dwell on the rust on its roof and siding, or on its broken windows. Rather, I stress its isolation in space, and use the symbolism of the spunky yellow building standing alone against the ominous deep blue sky, to create a metaphorical challenge: the small school standing alone on the horizon can viewed as a school of hard knocks. Education itself can often be a tough, lonely and demanding task – and this image conveys that aspect as well.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50
1/1000s f/8.0 at 65.5mm iso100 full exif

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Phil Douglis01-Aug-2007 00:43
Thanks, Xin, for seeing the power of symbols at work in this image. You see it representing awareness and pride, a structure in the act of declaration. What a beautiful interpretation. Your commentary is as eloquent as I've tried to make the image. Thank you, friend Xin, for your sensitive insights.
Sheena Xin Liu31-Jul-2007 06:06
Wonderful, utterly breathtaking. Phil, I am succumbed to the power of this image. Squeezing between the warm earth and the overcast sky, this abandoned house stood still, as if it has something to declare. It may be lonely and small and rusted, yet, its power, however inadequate, cleaves a path between the sky and ground, and marks its presence, with self-awareness and with pride.
Phil Douglis03-Nov-2006 02:11
Thanks, Raquel, for this eloquent commentary. An expressive image is one that reaches out and feeds the soul of another person. It is a great honor to know that you feel my image nourishes your soul. I think that you are as much an artist as I am, because you have been able to make so much out of my image with your emotions, intellect and imagination. You have, in essence, made your own work of art out of it. And yes, there is a mournful quality to this image. In fact, I called it in my caption the “school of hard knocks.” It stands, as you say, alone, overwhelmed, and empty. I can see how you can empathize with it – as humans, we have all been on the same ground where that school house stands. And I can see how you would marvel at a photograph’s ability to provoke universal truths that go beyond words. I am thrilled to provide you with this trigger to thought. But it is you, Raquel, that pulls the trigger here. It is you who lets your imagination open and embrace this schoolhouse so intimately that you actually become it. It is you who supplies the thought and the emotion to go with that wonderful act of imagination. I salute you, Raquel, for not only doing this, but coming here to the image and telling us, from your heart, what it meant to you to go through this process. Please come often to my images, study them, enter them, learn from them, and make your own art out of them.
Raquel 03-Nov-2006 01:13
Phil, a powerful image this is. To some, this might simply be an image of an Abandoned School House. To me though, I feel that this image is an analogy to a human phenomenon all too often masked or denied: sadness. That tiny yellow schoolhouse pitted against the infinite darkness of the sky, planted in the vast openness of the earth, almost devoid of any other life or form, can very well be me – or any other living human being walking on the face of the Earth: pitted against the great infinite “unknown” in life; planted in the vast openness of possibilities; scarce of or missing that which is essential in life. This picture visually describes the many times I have felt alone or seemingly in a vacuum or going through a desert-experience – an experience that we commonly share, at one time or another, as individual persons.

When you capture an image, Phil, you are able to transcend the Physical realm and bring about Universal Truths more effectively than words put together. How could I have seen a living human being taking the place of the abandoned schoolhouse if it weren’t so? Your pictures may initially stir emotions but it fluidly propels the mind to reflect on the more substantial elements of living. Your work is indeed Soul Food.
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