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Southern Ecuador 2016

Mass Audubon / Joppa Flats birding trip from Guayaquil through Buenaventura Reserve, Jorupe Reserve, Cerro Toledo, Tapichalaca, Yankuam, Copalinga to Cuenca and back through El Cajas National Park.
Led by David Larson and José Illanes.
See also all my observations on iNaturalist
Flooded fields outside Guayaquil
Flooded fields outside Guayaquil
Donna, Jose & Carol
Donna, Jose & Carol
Lynx spider with hoverfly
Lynx spider with hoverfly
Beetle; Spider & Fly
Beetle; Spider & Fly
Fungus Guttation
Fungus Guttation
Snail Eye
Snail Eye
little white butterfly
little white butterfly
Pompilid wasp digging between tiles
Pompilid wasp digging between tiles
Ants communicating antenna-to-antenna
Ants communicating antenna-to-antenna
Dense swarm of gnats
Dense swarm of gnats
Is this hoverfly pregnant?
Is this hoverfly pregnant?
Blue-tailed skink?
Blue-tailed skink?
Hamadryas butterfly
Hamadryas butterfly
Jumping spider got ant!
Jumping spider got ant!
Lttle brown grasshopper
Lttle brown grasshopper
Tough life for a butterfly
Tough life for a butterfly
South American Coati (Nasua nasua)
South American Coati (Nasua nasua)
Juicy Spadix
Juicy Spadix
Semiotus click beetle
Semiotus click beetle
Tiger Beetle (Pseudoxycheila chaudoiri?)
Tiger Beetle (Pseudoxycheila chaudoiri?)
Velvet Ant
Velvet Ant
Velvet Ant (Hoplognathoca)
Velvet Ant (Hoplognathoca)
Beetles mating
Beetles mating
Anthony's Poison Arrow Frog (Epipedobates anthonyi)
Anthony's Poison Arrow Frog (Epipedobates anthonyi)
Caterpillar oval formation on tree
Caterpillar oval formation on tree
Cryptic Poison-Dart Frog?
Cryptic Poison-Dart Frog?
The brown splotch on her back has eyes!
The brown splotch on her back has eyes!
Mama Frog with Tadpoles
Mama Frog with Tadpoles
Skipper Butterfly
Skipper Butterfly
Hairy Caterpillar
Hairy Caterpillar
Wasp-waist fly with mite
Wasp-waist fly with mite
Wasp-waist fly with mite
Wasp-waist fly with mite
longwing butterfly
longwing butterfly
Stick bug
Stick bug
Green Stick Insect
Green Stick Insect
Damselfly munching on hopper
Damselfly munching on hopper
Butterfly on Bloom
Butterfly on Bloom
blue and black butterfly
blue and black butterfly
skipper on composite
skipper on composite
damselfly face
damselfly face
tree cricket
tree cricket
purple-flowered tillandsia on acacia
purple-flowered tillandsia on acacia
Moth on Dr. Weaver's Door
Moth on Dr. Weaver's Door
brown butterfly on boraginaceae
brown butterfly on boraginaceae
Spiky cat with orange
Spiky cat with orange
striped skipper
striped skipper
Spiky cat
Spiky cat
Lunch at Urraca Lodge
Lunch at Urraca Lodge
Heliconius peruvianus
Heliconius peruvianus
Robber fly has wasp
Robber fly has wasp
Robber Fly
Robber Fly
Chestnut-collared Swallows (Petrochelidon rufocollaris)
Chestnut-collared Swallows (Petrochelidon rufocollaris)
bug got midge
bug got midge
fuzzy beetle
fuzzy beetle
Dave Larson on bus
Dave Larson on bus
Birding at the Roadwork
Birding at the Roadwork
Mating Moths
Mating Moths
Mating Moths
Mating Moths
Beetle mouthparts from below
Beetle mouthparts from below
Beetle side view
Beetle side view
Dave and Jose
Dave and Jose
Birding in the mist
Birding in the mist
Mary and Dave W
Mary and Dave W
Cloud Forest Cascade
Cloud Forest Cascade
Tree Frog in Bromeliad
Tree Frog in Bromeliad
Jocotoco Antpitta  (Grallaria ridgelyi)
Jocotoco Antpitta (Grallaria ridgelyi)
Young Gunnera Leaf
Young Gunnera Leaf
Roadside Birding
Roadside Birding
Cloud Forest
Cloud Forest
Cloud Forest near Tapichalaca
Cloud Forest near Tapichalaca
Dewy Orange Beetle
Dewy Orange Beetle
Chestnut-breasted Coronet  (Boissonneaua matthewsii)
Chestnut-breasted Coronet (Boissonneaua matthewsii)
Sickle-winged Guan Chamaepetes goudotii
Sickle-winged Guan Chamaepetes goudotii
Dave, Donna and the Guan
Dave, Donna and the Guan
Is that the road, Jaime?
Is that the road, Jaime?
Police check
Police check
Shaman on toucan bridge over Río Nangaritza
Shaman on toucan bridge over Río Nangaritza
Elegant tuxedo from the back...
Elegant tuxedo from the back...
Polka-dot onesy from the side
Polka-dot onesy from the side
biting fly
biting fly
black bug with yellow triangle
black bug with yellow triangle
grasshopper face
grasshopper face
Funnel-web spider
Funnel-web spider
Colorful grasshopper
Colorful grasshopper
Long aerial root
Long aerial root
brushfoot butterfly
brushfoot butterfly
+-shape grasshopper
+-shape grasshopper
unknown bug
unknown bug
bug with mites and ...
bug with mites and ...
bug with mites and wasp
bug with mites and wasp
gold bee with white pollen
gold bee with white pollen
Birding in the Rain
Birding in the Rain
Roadkill Andean Coral Snake
Roadkill Andean Coral Snake
Tiny Mushrooms
Tiny Mushrooms
deer fly
deer fly
Fruitful Ficus
Fruitful Ficus
ant nest under ginger leaf
ant nest under ginger leaf
Birding Río Nangaritza
Birding Río Nangaritza
Little Wasp
Little Wasp
blue-and-white hopper
blue-and-white hopper
blue antennae
blue antennae
Lush roadside
Lush roadside
brown butterfly
brown butterfly
ragged butterfly
ragged butterfly
yet another brushfoot
yet another brushfoot
butterfly with flies
butterfly with flies
hairstreak butterfly with fake antennae
hairstreak butterfly with fake antennae
bluish skipper
bluish skipper
Titan Beetle
Titan Beetle
Moth with blue tint
Moth with blue tint
stylish little jumper with trichomes
stylish little jumper with trichomes
Ancyluris aulestes butterfies at a mineral lick
Ancyluris aulestes butterfies at a mineral lick
butterflies at lick
butterflies at lick
ant-cow hoppers with fringed backs
ant-cow hoppers with fringed backs
Circinate Vernation
Circinate Vernation
Fruiting Liverwort
Fruiting Liverwort
So our bus is just driving on sand?
So our bus is just driving on sand?
So our bus is just driving on sand?
So our bus is just driving on sand?
Dave and Carol
Dave and Carol
Rushing River outside Zamora
Rushing River outside Zamora
Scary-Looking Stick Insect
Scary-Looking Stick Insect
Dave Larson
Dave Larson
James Timmons
James Timmons
Dave Weaver
Dave Weaver
Brushfoot Butterfly - Ventral
Brushfoot Butterfly - Ventral
Brushfoot Butterfly - Dorsal
Brushfoot Butterfly - Dorsal
Cuenca City Park and Cathedral
Cuenca City Park and Cathedral
Cuenca Flower Market
Cuenca Flower Market
Carol at Hosteria Durán
Carol at Hosteria Durán