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Dennis Swayze | profile | all galleries >> Manitoba Peregrines 2006-2022 >> Peregrines 2017 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Peregrines 2017

First Bird returns March 11th 2:45 at the Radisson and confirmed it's Hart.
2nd.Bird (female) spotted March 19th pm at the Radisson...thought to be Spencer but not confirmed.
3rd. Bird (female) spotted March 19th. late pm at the Radisson...confirmed that it's Joli.
4th. Bird (female) returns March 22nd...confirmed that it's Faith.
5th. Bird (female) returns March 23rd. believe it's confirmed.
6th. Bird back April 2nd. confirmed Ty has returned to West Wpg.
7th. Bird shows up for the first time April 4th. Pip...confirmed.