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A Gallery of Wolfeboro Postcards

A Gallery of Wolfeboro Postcards - - webmaster - mcdude at verizon dot net and July 4th Parade 2006 6 forward to end
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Wolfeboro Postcard - 1949
Wolfeboro Postcard - 1949
Rattlesnake Island Winter
Rattlesnake Island Winter
Photo by a 5 y.o. JScott
Photo by a 5 y.o. JScott
Arriving at Wolfeboro.jpg
Arriving at Wolfeboro.jpg
Baileys & Lake Motel
Baileys & Lake Motel
Cate   Park
Cate Park
Copple Crown - 1909
Copple Crown - 1909
Dear Grandma
Dear Grandma
Elmwood Hotel
Elmwood Hotel
Fly with Fogg
Fly with Fogg
Greetings from Wolfeboro
Greetings from Wolfeboro
Hill School Camp - - Rust Pond
Hill School Camp - - Rust Pond
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