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Douglas Stucky | all galleries >> Galleries >> Birds > IMG_8724cropeditir.jpg
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Canon EOS 350D
1/250s f/7.1 at 200.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 04-Apr-2007 08:28
Excellent Doug.
lou_rozensteins03-Apr-2007 09:53
Very nice shot. Well done.
Greg Harp03-Apr-2007 04:53
Terrific shot.
Buz Kiefer03-Apr-2007 02:56
Amazing colors and the eye is a reall attention getter. vote.
s_barbour03-Apr-2007 01:45
Wonderful capture with great detail and colour Doug!
How is Brian doing?
Dr. Michael G. Mathews02-Apr-2007 15:36
Outstanding timing. Amazing color. Great image.