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Philip Sidran's Recent Galleries

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23-Dec-2013 07:08
Tanzania and Kenya Images
:: Tanzania and Kenya Images ::
15-Dec-2013 19:57
Fellow Travelers-East Africa 2013
:: Fellow Travelers-East Africa 2013 ::
04-Nov-2013 02:51
Birds of East Africa
:: Birds of East Africa ::
09-May-2009 02:58
Haiti Medical Mission, Double Harvest,May 2009
:: Haiti Medical Mission, Double Harvest,May 2009 ::
27-Jan-2008 04:09
Birds of the Everglades as seen Jan. 26, 2008
:: Birds of the Everglades as seen Jan. 26, 2008 ::
07-Jan-2008 03:44
Romance of the Red Shouldered Hawks  -- Jan. 5, 2008
:: Romance of the Red Shouldered Hawks -- Jan. 5, 2008 ::
18-Nov-2007 05:06
Kayaking Crandon Park
:: Kayaking Crandon Park ::
16-Nov-2007 04:45
:: kayaking_biscayne_bay_and_the_everglades ::
08-Oct-2007 03:37
:: seen_at_fairchild_tropical_gardens_miami_fl ::
23-Jul-2007 03:14
Pi Lambda Phi Pledge Class, 1958, University of Florida   In a far away Galaxy.....
:: Pi Lambda Phi Pledge Class, 1958, University of Florida In a far away Galaxy..... ::
19-Aug-2006 01:57
Kayaking Fisheating Creek Birds and Cypress
:: Kayaking Fisheating Creek Birds and Cypress ::
29-Jun-2006 03:57
Florida Birds Everglades and Deering Rookery
:: Florida Birds Everglades and Deering Rookery ::