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Pete Ganzel | profile | all galleries >> Tinkering >> Partial Disassembly of the Konica Minolta Maxxum Dynax 7D tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Partial Disassembly of the Konica Minolta Maxxum Dynax 7D

Partial disassembly of the Konica Minolta Maxxum Dynax 7D
A close friend of mine sent me these pics.

"Don't try this yourself, as they say on the telly."
7-D Back2907.jpg
7-D Back2907.jpg
Adjustment Screw2916.jpg
Adjustment Screw2916.jpg
Back 2927.jpg
Back 2927.jpg
Left Side2923.jpg
Left Side2923.jpg
Lower right CCD2920.jpg
Lower right CCD2920.jpg
Lower Right2912.jpg
Lower Right2912.jpg
Focus Motor2931.jpg
Focus Motor2931.jpg
Top Right2930.jpg
Top Right2930.jpg
AF Mirror2942.jpg Maxxum AF mirror Assembly
AF Mirror2942.jpg Maxxum AF mirror Assembly
AF Mirror Dust 2938.jpg
AF Mirror Dust 2938.jpg
Maxxum Dynax  7D Antishake Startup Sequence Animation
Maxxum Dynax 7D Antishake Startup Sequence Animation
Maxxum Dynax AS Startup Sequence
Maxxum Dynax AS Startup Sequence