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Arnie Peterschmidt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-per-Day > September 23
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23-Sep-2021 Arnie Peterschmidt

September 23

Sunset at Deception Pass this evening. It was calm and beautiful while I commiserated with several other photographers.

Nikon Z 6
1/60s f/11.0 at 145.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Cedric Sims14-Dec-2021 05:15
globalgadabout25-Sep-2021 22:16
a wonderful scene portrayed with such a refined touch....admire your skills and sensibility here...V
Helen Betts24-Sep-2021 06:23
Such striking silhouettes in this beautiful sunset capture. V.
joseantonio24-Sep-2021 05:23
nice composition and framing for this sunset scene.V.
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