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Arnie Peterschmidt | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Tillamook Head Cloud Forest tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tillamook Head Cloud Forest

Tillamook Head is a 1000 foot headland that juts out into the Pacific on the Oregon coast. The prevailing damp sea breezes frequently condense into a cloud on the top portion of the Head. The old growth spruce forest is often chilly and dripping wet during the summer. It is also a beautiful hike.
Ferns and flowers
Ferns and flowers
Downed tree
Downed tree
Into the cloud
Into the cloud
Filtered light
Filtered light
Red huckleberry
Red huckleberry
Rays & ferns
Rays & ferns
Light pouring down
Light pouring down
Tie dye
Tie dye
Spruce Rays
Spruce Rays
Oxalis carpet
Oxalis carpet
Trees in the clouds
Trees in the clouds
Evie's first hike
Evie's first hike