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Sam Rua | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Business Travel tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

New Mexico 2019 | 2017 Solar Eclipse Trip | Motorcycling | Keepers | Droned Perspectives | Slide Shows and Video Shows | Crystal Ball | Flash Photography | Beauty Amongst Spines | Moto Photo | Window Seat | Business Travel | Into the Valleys | Sand & Heat | Sonoran Desert Living | Monochrome | Sky and Beyond | Disneyland Resort Theme Parks 2014 | Vacations in San Diego | Around Southeast Arizona | Four Corners Meet Up | Coachella Valley, Southern California | Death Valley National Park | Northern Arizona | Central AZ | Canon Fisheye Zoom | New Mexico | Las Vegas | Pacific Northwest Meetup | Moab Meet Up | Night, Camera, Reflections | Disneyland Resort Theme Parks 2012 | Birds | Reptiles & Amphibians | Yosemite National Park and Eastern Sierra Nevadas | Photoshop Art | Bliss Dance by Marco Cochrane | Sabino Canyon | Disneyland Resort Theme Parks 2011 | Focus on Color | arthropods | Peg's Paper Crafts | Vault | Disneyland Resort Theme Parks 2019 | My Moto Guzzi V85TT Adventures

Business Travel

I had previously done a fair amount of travel for work and tried to take a snap shot or two from wherever I might be.
Thankfully, I don't do quite as much travel now (frequent flier miles aren't all that great of a reward for being away from my family).
I don't often get much time in any one place so most of these photos are very "spur of the moment".

:: Spain ::
San Diego Area
:: San Diego Area ::
Washington, DC
:: Washington, DC ::
:: Germany ::
:: Boston ::
:: Baltimore ::
Vancouver, BC
:: Vancouver, BC ::
Greenland from Above
:: Greenland from Above ::
New York, New York
:: New York, New York ::
San Francisco Bay Area
:: San Francisco Bay Area ::
:: Chicago ::
:: China ::
:: France ::
:: Switzerland ::
:: Ireland ::
:: Czechoslovakia ::
:: Minnesota ::