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KAI-WING LEUNG | profile | all galleries >> Travel (外遊篇) >> Europe >> Balkans >> Bosnia and Herzegovina tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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A restaurant DSC_6153
A restaurant DSC_6153
Inside a restaurant DSC_6165
Inside a restaurant DSC_6165
Wall with bullet and shrapnel holes DSC_6167
Wall with bullet and shrapnel holes DSC_6167
A pair of windows DSC_6168
A pair of windows DSC_6168
A mosque DSC_6171
A mosque DSC_6171
Drina River DSC_6183
Drina River DSC_6183
Drina River DSC_6190
Drina River DSC_6190
Drina River DSC_6192
Drina River DSC_6192
Drina River DSC_6193
Drina River DSC_6193
Wall with bullet and shrapnel holes DSC_6211
Wall with bullet and shrapnel holes DSC_6211
Entrance of Sarajevo Tunnel DSC_6215
Entrance of Sarajevo Tunnel DSC_6215
Sarajevo Tunnel DSC_6224
Sarajevo Tunnel DSC_6224
Sarajevo Tunnel DSC_6225
Sarajevo Tunnel DSC_6225
House of the Kolar family DSC_6230
House of the Kolar family DSC_6230
Tram DSC_6258
Tram DSC_6258
Bascarsija DSC_6260
Bascarsija DSC_6260
Bascarsija DSC_6262
Bascarsija DSC_6262
Bascarsija DSC_6269
Bascarsija DSC_6269
Bascarsija DSC_6270
Bascarsija DSC_6270
Entrance of Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque DSC_6275
Entrance of Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque DSC_6275
Clock Tower, Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque DSC_6278
Clock Tower, Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque DSC_6278
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