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Gathering of Our People 2005 Moose Cree First Nation

Pictures from the Moose Cree First Nation's Gathering of Our People 2005 in Moose Factory, Ontario.

The Gathering Of Our People 2005
Ehliliwuk Mawacihitowin
”Remembering our Values and Teachings, from our Ancestors”
“In the true spirit of goodwill and friendship, we will gather as a community to celebrate, honour, and recognize community spirit, customs, traditions, achievements, talent and to welcome home community members, friends and special guests.”

More details can be found at the First Nation's website .

I am grateful to Natasha Wesley who coordinated this year's event for her assistance and encouragement.
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1024_MG_2108.jpg   Clara Wheesk from Timmins
1024_MG_2108.jpg Clara Wheesk from Timmins
1024_MG_2105.jpg Treaty payments
1024_MG_2105.jpg Treaty payments
1024_MG_2098.jpg David Gott Catching up on payments
1024_MG_2098.jpg David Gott Catching up on payments
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1024_MG_2091.jpg Autumn W Lindsey W
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1024_MG_2090.jpg Josh M Marcus M Colby C
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1024_MG_2087.jpg Kashina Q Vanessa R
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1024panocrop_MG_2077.jpg Albalina M, Trina Rickard
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1024_RomanowMG_2073.jpg Father and Daughter
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