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J Patrick Johnson | profile | all galleries >> Astronomy Pages >> Celestial Images tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Celestial Images

Images of the Wonders Above
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North American - Pelican Nebula Complex
North American - Pelican Nebula Complex
North American and Pelican Widefield Image
North American and Pelican Widefield Image
Horse Head and Flame Nebula Complex
Horse Head and Flame Nebula Complex
Cygnus Widefield
Cygnus Widefield
M17 The Swan Nebula
M17 The Swan Nebula
M27 The Dumbbell Nebula
M27 The Dumbbell Nebula
M13 with CPC1100 and Canon XSi
M13 with CPC1100 and Canon XSi
Lagoon and Trifod Nebula
Lagoon and Trifod Nebula
The Summer Triangle...Deneb, Altair, and Vega
The Summer Triangle...Deneb, Altair, and Vega
Milky Way Looking South
Milky Way Looking South
Milky Way Southern Skies With Jupiter
Milky Way Southern Skies With Jupiter
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