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Don Cuevas | all galleries >> Galleries >> Colonias Roma and Hipódromo-Condesa, México, D.F. > El Fantasma de La Roma, Colonia Roma
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El Fantasma de La Roma, Colonia Roma

Lucha Libre, a popular spectator sport in México, draws hundreds of aficionados. Winning wrestlers attain heroic and mythic fame.
On my first visit to México City, February, 1992, I met "Super Hawk", a retired wrestler, while having breakfast at VIP'S Restaurante at Ave. Insurgentes and Calle Dinamarca. He was eating "panqúe" (a slice of poundcake) y café.
(I had the desayuno combinado, with a surprise fruit and yoghurt cup. I don't remember what style of eggs I ate. :-)

That's a good introduction to México.

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