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Little Gigi's World

This will be a gallery of no doubt endless numbers of pictures of my four-legged companion as she goes about her day. She's a great teacher of playfulness, joy and unconditional love!
C'mon in, the water's fine
C'mon in, the water's fine
Gigi on the Rocks
Gigi on the Rocks
Great Catch
Great Catch
Joy Stick
Joy Stick
Joy on the Run
Joy on the Run
Little Raggamuffin
Little Raggamuffin
Okay, I'm Ready
Okay, I'm Ready
Bark Softly and Carry a Big Stick
Bark Softly and Carry a Big Stick
Happy LL Bean Customer
Happy LL Bean Customer
Take me, I'm Yours
Take me, I'm Yours
Great White Hunter  ~   Run, Vole, Run!
Great White Hunter ~ Run, Vole, Run!
Waiting in the Window for Mum
Waiting in the Window for Mum
Gigi with her favorite Christmas present
Gigi with her favorite Christmas present