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William Von Gonten | all galleries >> Galleries >> fotofoto > coffee2.jpg
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20 seconds before my engish muffin.

Canon PowerShot G7
1/250s f/5.6 at 7.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Dennis Camp05-Mar-2011 01:52
Nice one William.
Guest 30-Nov-2010 17:39
Simple but powerful. Well done.
Terry Bowker21-Nov-2010 13:29
Very nice!
Ken Zaret23-Sep-2010 23:48
Great shot, captures the quiet moment beautifully.
Guest 12-Jul-2009 02:28
Great. Makes you want to drink it, while also not being in any way too commercial. Great composition. v
Andrys Basten13-Jul-2008 07:09
I like the geometric background and the spirals from the hot coffee against it...
Peter Stubley19-Jun-2008 21:10
Very nice -- beautifully simple and expressive composition. Great tonal range. Nicely seen and shot. V.
Markus Grompe19-Jun-2008 18:55
nice clean, minimalistic shot...
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