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Nick Paoni | all galleries >> Galleries >> Surfing > Taking Flight
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Taking Flight

A surfer launches off the top of a wave at Cardiff State Beach, CA.

This photo is copyrighted by the photographer and may not be used without permission.

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Sam Rua17-Aug-2017 15:53
Great timing. Amazing to get that much height off of a fairly small wave.
Buz Kiefer04-Aug-2017 19:32
Noteworthy photo, Nick. A fine moment captured beautifully. Vote.
lucanton04-Aug-2017 13:16
Pierre04-Aug-2017 10:59
Une scène d'action tout à fait magnifique! V
Dennis Hoyne04-Aug-2017 02:37
A fantastic action shot! A dynamic and delightful image. V.
joseantonio03-Aug-2017 16:25
amazing action capture.Well done.V.
danad03-Aug-2017 16:11
Great action shot, with beautiful waves. V.
Dan Greenberg03-Aug-2017 16:09
Fabulous peak of action capture. Very well timed. ~BV~
Neil Marcus03-Aug-2017 15:52
Both of you have shown superior skill. Big vote!
globalgadabout03-Aug-2017 15:03
likely as refreshing as it is thrilling for the surfer...super shot...V
XiaoBernard9903-Aug-2017 15:02
Very well captured. Surprising geometry of the waves
Anitta03-Aug-2017 14:50
Absolutely stunning action shot! What a timing!! Voted
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