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Roger Bailey | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scotland 2015 > Glenfinnan Monument.
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Roger Bailey

Glenfinnan Monument.


Nikon D800 ,AF NIKKOR 24-85mm 1:2.8-4D

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ann28-Oct-2015 18:31
Beautiful capture Roger, never tire of seeing this scene.
Bea.27-Oct-2015 03:20
What a view right through the valley, the weather and clouds are amazing..
Steve Thuman27-Oct-2015 03:14
Interesting placement of the monument. Gorgeous scene
Ruth Voorhis27-Oct-2015 02:57
Fabulous image, Roger. An amazing scene...
John Shen Photography27-Oct-2015 02:41
What a wonderful perspective of this gorgeous view! :)
fotabug27-Oct-2015 02:13
My, Scotland is a wonderful country! It's one country I wish I could visit!
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