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Nicki Thurgar | all galleries >> themes >> Spider Web Sparkles > Dew laden cobwebs
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Dew laden cobwebs

Joint third place, DPReview "backlight" challenge

Canon PowerShot Pro 1
1/640s f/4.0 at 21.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Yves Rubin07-Nov-2007 16:15
Beautiful and superbly composed. Big vote!
Bernd Koenemann05-Jun-2007 08:39
Very well captured with great clarity and a dynamic design.
JW06-Feb-2007 22:50
Amazing find - very well captured. So sharp and nicely framed V
Guest 18-Jan-2007 18:05
Superb necklace of dewdrops! V
olivier bruning08-Jan-2007 22:15
superb clarity! awesome, ~V~
Rose Atkinson19-Dec-2006 13:53
Faaaaantastic... I don't remember seeing this one before
John Beck23-Sep-2006 22:22
Showoff. :-} This is so much better than mine. This is the best I've seen. v
Sheila23-Sep-2006 13:51
One of the best I have ever seen.
Fabienne19-Sep-2006 10:48
Absolument fantastique et le noir/blanc donne une très bel effet. J'adore.
Ray :)04-Sep-2006 23:45
These are like pearls of mercury.
Chris Sofopoulos14-May-2006 19:49
Excellent! v
Guest 19-Apr-2006 17:32
1moremile16-Apr-2006 21:47
De'Carr Studio06-Mar-2006 19:49
A very striking image. vote
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