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Paula Krugerud | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> MONTANA WINTERS tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


White. Cold. Quiet. Cracklin' fire. Warm fuzzy slippers.
Blizzards. Icicles. Hoarfrost. Howling wolves. Howling wind. Cross-country skiing.
Moose tracks. Colorful. Ice fishing. Frozen rivers. Carcass piles. Moose.
Soaring eagles. Swooping ravens. Hot toddies. Chili & cornbread.
Pastel sunsets. Snowmobiling. Laughter. Snowshoeing. Snowball fights. Slippery.
Wool socks. Long underwear. Mittens. Fleece caps. Huge fluffy snowflakes.
The quiet. Solitude. Peaceful. Happiness.
Wool blanky. Dreams. Contentment.

And Family...

Just another winter sunset
Just another winter sunset
Moon and the rocky cliffs
Moon and the rocky cliffs
Mule Ranch, Montana
Mule Ranch, Montana
Light in the window
Light in the window
Winter willow
Winter willow
Sugar Loaf Mountain
Sugar Loaf Mountain
A joy
A joy
A challenge
A challenge
Cow & calf
Cow & calf
g1/97/752097/3/132077782.t0iK1gqT.jpg g1/97/752097/3/132077781.GxYuFC12.jpg H E L P
Snowboarders . . .
Snowboarders . . .
Amazing time to ski
Amazing time to ski
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Winter's best show
Winter's best show
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Skiing sunset
Skiing sunset
g1/97/752097/3/131928265.a040hsgm.jpg My baby girl...
My baby girl...
Pintler pink sunset
Pintler pink sunset
Another day of skiing
Another day of skiing
g1/97/752097/3/131913063.ua5lNgZk.jpg g1/97/752097/3/131872524.YYUxpQRn.jpg Gorgeous day for skiing
Gorgeous day for skiing
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g1/97/752097/3/131872520.D638G188.jpg H E L L O O O !!!
H E L L O O O !!!
Down by the river
Down by the river
Coyote on the Big Hole River
Coyote on the Big Hole River
Fishermen on the Big Hole River
Fishermen on the Big Hole River
Civilization?  Just a freeway a way.
Civilization? Just a freeway a way.
Rancher's got a different slant on life
Rancher's got a different slant on life
One last look
One last look
Moose crossing
Moose crossing
Moose crossing 2
Moose crossing 2
Camo moose
Camo moose
Montana moose
Montana moose
Montana cabin
Montana cabin
g3/97/752097/3/122636876.nBXXm8gz.jpg Montana cows
Montana cows
Cabin view
Cabin view
Danger - No Shoulders!
Danger - No Shoulders!
Spring buds
Spring buds
Long way to somewhere
Long way to somewhere
Death and sadness on the highway
Death and sadness on the highway
Giving the eagle eye
Giving the eagle eye
Bull whoppers
Bull whoppers
Wintering elk herd
Wintering elk herd
g3/97/752097/3/122197355.owH3tpc4.jpg Elk herd
Elk herd
Sunrise River-tweeked
Sunrise River-tweeked
Sunrise on the Big Hole River
Sunrise on the Big Hole River
Cabin hidden amongst trees
Cabin hidden amongst trees
A bit of tomfoolery
A bit of tomfoolery
Setting moon
Setting moon
Good Morning
Good Morning
Frosty Big Hole River
Frosty Big Hole River
Log & stone barn
Log & stone barn
Critter tracks
Critter tracks
Crack of dawn
Crack of dawn
Forest beneath snow peaks
Forest beneath snow peaks
Pastel cold
Pastel cold
Snow fence
Snow fence
Wolf moon
Wolf moon
g3/97/752097/3/121710138.OsTn1zxJ.jpg Sky Fire
Sky Fire
Big Hole River, Montana
Big Hole River, Montana
The haystack
The haystack
Winter hay
Winter hay
Monty's Subs
Monty's Subs
Icy blue icicles
Icy blue icicles
Montana morning
Montana morning
Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle
Frosted coat
Frosted coat
Late sun, storm coming
Late sun, storm coming
Thru the trees
Thru the trees
g3/97/752097/3/121315937.ILCUeNSb.jpg Brilliant winter color
Brilliant winter color
Creek willows
Creek willows
Seymour Lake Road
Seymour Lake Road
Putting on the glitz
Putting on the glitz
Good Morning Moon
Good Morning Moon
My Beautiful Daughter  - Collage
My Beautiful Daughter - Collage
Eagle taking flight
Eagle taking flight
Golden sun lit tree
Golden sun lit tree
First light
First light
Clouds lifting
Clouds lifting
Morning fog
Morning fog
Nature's soft side
Nature's soft side
Steaming moose
Steaming moose
Winter kill
Winter kill
Mountain cabin
Mountain cabin
Valley fog
Valley fog
In the trees
In the trees
One tree . . .
One tree . . .
Good chute view
Good chute view
Cattle chute
Cattle chute