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NeilG | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Manuel 22-Feb-2016 14:13
Hello Neil! I found your messages about hasselblad leak on photo base and I believe I have the same problem. I am going crazy trying to diagnose. Did you find out what was causing what you were seeing in your negatives?

Thank you so much for any help you can give me,

Jane Moore 02-Mar-2011 10:54
I sent a message yesterday but im not sure if it went through or not, im interested in buying 4 of your photos. Please could you get back to me when you can.

Mhairi Harvey 04-May-2009 19:28
Dear Neil,
I am interested in purchasing one of your luma tower pictures or indeed seeing any more that you may have. Please get back in touch.
Michael Boulton-Jones 27-Oct-2008 16:16
I have written a book about Glasgow and would very much like to use a few of your photographs to illustrate it. Could you let me know how I go about doing this?

John R 21-Oct-2008 17:27
Superb pictures Neil!
i particularly like the Berlin pictures, they're very evocative.
Guest 30-Jul-2008 14:46
Hi Neil
We would like to licence one of your photos for a short promotional film we are making. Please let me know how best to reach you to arrange licensing and any costs attached.

many thanks Dorigen
Greg Little08-Jan-2008 22:33
Hi Neil,

Thanks for the comment on my Frankfurt gallery. You've got some very nice night shots yourself. Nice collection.


stanislaw 19-Dec-2007 21:28
Thanks !!! (dziêkujê -in Polish)
where farther?
STAN from Poznañ (Poland)
Aud Elise Sjøsæther26-Nov-2007 19:55
Hi Neil,
Your galleries are fantastic! My favourites are the night shots.
You are now among my favourites and I will sure return to see more : )

Cheers, Aud Elise
sherwood frazier25-Nov-2007 13:13
Hi Neil,
Thank you for visiting my galleries and your kind remarks. My wife and I are planning a trip to Scotland as our next big adventure, more than likely the late summer or early fall of '09. My fathers family is Scottish, my mother's English and my wife is Irish. We are rooted to the British Isles and are going to start our exploration of them in Scotand. I will be looking at your galleries often for views of what to expect on our trip, again thanks for visiting my galleries. Sherwood
Guest 23-Nov-2007 23:33
Great galleries Neil well done
Emmie Gray09-Nov-2007 08:53
Hi - thanks for paying a visit to Boots. 8-)
Your own furry ones are charming, especially that rare snowshoe tuxedo cat.
Love the Glasgow shots, they're all gorgeous, and hope to see lots more photos from you.
Cheers, Emmie
davidleask02-Oct-2007 22:08
Nice galleries Neil - I really like the night shots, you have the exposures down to a "T".
Best regards, David