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Lake Martin, Louisiana

Lake Martin is located in St. Martin Parish near Lafayette, Louisiana. It is the site of one of the largest, if not the largest, wading bird rookeries in North America. During the peak months, thousands of egrets, herons and roseate spoonbills nest within the rookery. Owls and hawks can sometimes be seen on the branches of the cypress trees in the swamp. Alligators are common too.
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Blue Heron Feeding Baby
Blue Heron Feeding Baby
Blue Heron Feeding Baby
Blue Heron Feeding Baby
g1/37/956537/3/125783305.0WVoQwYC.jpg Alligator Swimming by Moorhen
Alligator Swimming by Moorhen
Alligator Stalking Young Birds
Alligator Stalking Young Birds
Checking out Alligator
Checking out Alligator
Taking Flight
Taking Flight
Taking Flight
Taking Flight
Roseate Spoonbill at Lake Martin Rookery
Roseate Spoonbill at Lake Martin Rookery
Roseate Spoonbill at Lake Martin Rookery
Roseate Spoonbill at Lake Martin Rookery
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