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Family & Personal Galleries

I'm especially proud and happy to be posting these photos of a personal nature, especially those taken since my lung transplant in April of 2002. These have a very deep meaning and appreciation for me because without my transplant I would not be here to enjoy these wonderful people, outings and social gatherings. Be sure to return often as I will be uploading many pictures as time goes on.

Comments? Have photos to add? Email me

Visit my blog:Merv Sheppard's Transplant Network
Bob & Frans Xmas 2004
:: Bob & Frans Xmas 2004 ::
Condo Christmas '04
:: Condo Christmas '04 ::
Bonnie's Events
:: Bonnie's Events ::
Bob in Hospital
:: Bob in Hospital ::
Hodgson Wedding
:: Hodgson Wedding ::
Mom's Birthday 2004
:: Mom's Birthday 2004 ::
Greet Gary
:: Greet Gary ::
Myrtle Beach Trip 2005
:: Myrtle Beach Trip 2005 ::
Sandy's Visits
:: Sandy's Visits ::
Chris' Family Album
:: Chris' Family Album ::
Evelyn Sheppard in new home
:: Evelyn Sheppard in new home ::
Visit with Mom June 5, 2007
:: Visit with Mom June 5, 2007 ::
Bob & Fran's 50th Anniversary
:: Bob & Fran's 50th Anniversary ::
Chris, Brandi & Emma in Jasper Sept 07
:: Chris, Brandi & Emma in Jasper Sept 07 ::
Mom's Birthday 2007
:: Mom's Birthday 2007 ::
Dinner at Bob & Fran's Feb 15, 2008
:: Dinner at Bob & Fran's Feb 15, 2008 ::
Dinner at Ron & Diny's Nov 14/08
:: Dinner at Ron & Diny's Nov 14/08 ::
:: thanksgiving09 ::
Bonnie & Jeff's Wedding
:: Bonnie & Jeff's Wedding ::
Chris & Gary visit August 29, 2011
:: Chris & Gary visit August 29, 2011 ::
At Ron & Diny's Jan 30, 2012
:: At Ron & Diny's Jan 30, 2012 ::