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San Jose

Plaza de la Cultura - Museo de Oro Precolombino y Numismatica
Plaza de la Cultura - Museo de Oro Precolombino y Numismatica
Teatro Nacional
Teatro Nacional
Marble statues in the lobby
Marble statues in the lobby
Marble statue made in Italy
Marble statue made in Italy
Marble statue made by a local artisan
Marble statue made by a local artisan
Stage - theatre built in 1897
Stage - theatre built in 1897
Ornate setting
Ornate setting
Painted ceiling
Painted ceiling
Gilt everywhere
Gilt everywhere
Beautifully painted ceilings
Beautifully painted ceilings
Marble statue that used to be on the roof of the theatre
Marble statue that used to be on the roof of the theatre
Alegoria al cafe y el banano
Alegoria al cafe y el banano
Famous painting done by an Italian artist who had never visited Costa Rica
Famous painting done by an Italian artist who had never visited Costa Rica
The bananas would not be held this way but on the shoulder
The bananas would not be held this way but on the shoulder
Museo Nacional de Costa Rica
Museo Nacional de Costa Rica
Pre-Columbian sphere
Pre-Columbian sphere
Plaza Morazan
Plaza Morazan
Plaza Morazan
Plaza Morazan
Mounted police
Mounted police
An angel
An angel
Colonial building
Colonial building