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Mark Jones | all galleries >> Galleries >> Practice With PhotoShop CS > 4-9-04 Self Portrait Driving-AFTER CLONE
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4-9-04 Self Portrait Driving-AFTER CLONE

I have a long commute and get bored. Sometimes I find interesting pics on the way home! I actually used the clone stamp in PS to get rid of a bad crack in my windshield, and it was good practice.

Nikon Coolpix 3100
1/451s f/2.8 at 5.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Jill09-Apr-2004 15:24
What a well executed shot. Almost feels as if I am the one driving.
Mark Jones09-Apr-2004 13:25
thanks guys. I posted before and after pics in my Photoshop Practice gallery. In addition to clone stamping the crack away, I ran a soft focus action to soften it and clear some of the blemishes like pollen on the top of the windshied. Let me know what you think.
K09-Apr-2004 10:20
Great idea for a self-portrait! And nice job using the clone tool! :)
Guest 09-Apr-2004 04:49
I wish the clone stamp worked on humans!! I would be flawless!! LOL!

Nice to see you, drive safely now!!
snootydog09-Apr-2004 03:57
this is great. A little disturbing of course that you managed to line up a tricky shot while cruising along at 60+mph, but a great shot none the less! I am trying to figure out where the clone work was done. upper left corner? Nice work.