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Maury Krystel | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Africa (Summer 2006) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Africa (Summer 2006)

Our July 2006 Africa trip consisted of two parts. The first 8 nights were spent in Cape Town, South Africa; the western cape; and the winelands. The 9th night was in the Sussi Lodge, which is near Victoria Falls, Zambia and the National Park. The next 6 nights were spent in Botswana on a photographic safari, 2 nights each in 3 different camps. Hopefully, when viewing our photos, you will be able to get a feeling of the wonderful adventure we had.

Day 1 - Zambia
Day 1 - Zambia
Days 2 and 3 Savuti Camp, Botswana
Days 2 and 3 Savuti Camp, Botswana
Days 4 and 5 Chitabe Trails, Botswana
Days 4 and 5 Chitabe Trails, Botswana
Days 6 and 7 Xigera Camp, Botswana
Days 6 and 7 Xigera Camp, Botswana