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Milan Vogrin | all galleries >> reptiles >> snakes > Aesculapian snake Zamenis longissimus navadni gož_MG_5016-111.jpg
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Aesculapian snake Zamenis longissimus navadni gož_MG_5016-111.jpg

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Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)21-Jul-2017 17:46
Wonderful work! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal25-Jun-2014 06:57
Beautiful sharp close-up!! V
hge5425-Jun-2014 05:44
Incredible detail on. this serpent. V
Tom Briggs25-Jun-2014 01:09
Great details ... does he need dentures?
Janet Forjan-Freedman25-Jun-2014 01:00
You timed this capture perfectly!
Pierre Lessard25-Jun-2014 00:32
Wow! Sharp
Pierre Martin24-Jun-2014 18:07
great sharp portrait!
Hank Vander Velde24-Jun-2014 15:27
Excellent sharp closeup Milan.
Jim's Atavistic Visions24-Jun-2014 14:45
Yes, too close for comfort for me!
Tom Munson24-Jun-2014 12:39
Fantastic close-up.
Helen Betts24-Jun-2014 08:47
Wow, what a pose and capture! Do snakes not have teeth? V.
Ika Zinka Eferl24-Jun-2014 06:49
WOW ,Wow , wow ... !V!
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