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Wayne Millar | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Places and spaces tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Places and spaces

This gallery depicts places encountered during travel that evoke memories because of their inherent beauty or historical interest. When there are sufficient images of a country I create a new gallery.
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Nyhavn Sign
Nyhavn Sign
Stained Glass, Danish Resistance Museum
Stained Glass, Danish Resistance Museum
Temppeliaukio Kirrko
Temppeliaukio Kirrko
Doll Handicraft
Doll Handicraft
Church Rug Mural
Church Rug Mural
Viking Ship Prow
Viking Ship Prow
Gdansk, Poland
Gdansk, Poland
Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn, Estonia
Havana, Cuba
Havana, Cuba
Restored Colonial Building
Restored Colonial Building
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