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Miljenko Devcic | all galleries >> tech >> Lens reviews and tests >> Sigma 17-70 vs Sigma 18-50 > 35mm left edge crops
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35mm left edge crops

Nikon D200 ,Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 EX DC
1/3000s f/2.8 at 38.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Miljenko Devcic04-Apr-2006 20:18
Believe it or not, it is, Dan. Of course, it could be that I was lucky to get the above average sample of 17-70 and sub-average 18-50, but this is what could happen to anyone, right?! After using Nikkor 18-70 for a few months I purchased 18-50 (third sample tested in a row) and replaced it now with 17-70. Now I'll settle with this one for a while now :)
Dan 04-Apr-2006 19:28
Is the 17-70 really better than the 18-50? It looks it to me from these crops.