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Mike Johnson | profile | all galleries >> Sweden by Bicycle - July, 2005 >> Day 6 - Vadstena tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Our Group | Days 1 & 2 - Vanersborg | Day 3 - Lidkoping | Day 4 - Mariestad | Day 5 - Karlsborg | Day 6 - Vadstena | Day 7 - Motala | Days 8 & 9 - Linkoping | Day 10 - Soderkoping | Days 11 & 12 - Stockholm

Day 6 - Vadstena

Morning - tour of the Fortress of Karlsborg, constructed between 1819 and 1909.
In the afternoon we enjoyed a boat ride across Lake Vattern to Vadstena.
Vadstena boasts handmade lace, narrow streets and old frame buildings and is home to St. Birgitta's Church and Abbey. Pilgrims thronged to see the saint's relics during the town's great age of glory in the Middle Ages. King Gustav Vasa was a frequent visitor in the 16th century and built the magnificent Renaissance castle we toured.
Vadstena to Motala
Vadstena to Motala
Boat ride to Vadstena - bikes and all
Boat ride to Vadstena - bikes and all
On the lake
On the lake
Carol and Len
Carol and Len
Off the boat
Off the boat
Tour of Vadstena
Tour of Vadstena
Vadstena Castle
Vadstena Castle
The rampart
The rampart
Living quarters
Living quarters
The most famous king
The most famous king
Pulpit decoration
Pulpit decoration
To the church
To the church
St. Birgitta's Church
St. Birgitta's Church
Mysterious marks
Mysterious marks
Connie tries for fit
Connie tries for fit
Alter decoration
Alter decoration
Jan buys some lace
Jan buys some lace