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Mike Lentz Nature Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hawks, Falcons & Osprey > Autumn Fire
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Mike Lentz

Autumn Fire

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Harry David Horning02-Feb-2010 04:33
Superb shot.
Christophe Pampoulie11-Nov-2009 20:29
Wow stunning shot again Mike.... A terrific bird for a beautiful autumn atmosphere! Gorgeous and voted!
lou_rozensteins02-Nov-2009 23:38
A terrific background for a beautiful bird. Well done.
Guest 02-Nov-2009 17:02
Beautiful image, great color, detail, composition.
Blandine Mangin02-Nov-2009 13:50
a wonderful capture ! v
Gordon W02-Nov-2009 13:21
Awesome shot! Great pose, color, background...everything!
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