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Mendi Michele | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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pacs22-May-2015 18:46
Nice work
cafe18-May-2015 09:40
nice pictures
cheveux boucles16-May-2015 08:46
De superbes photos, que dire d'autre ?
Lomea Hide Photography 02-Dec-2012 13:12
wildlife photography in Bulgaria
Brian Falkner 12-Sep-2011 01:33
Ciao Michele. I have just returned from Stromboli [where my wifes Mother was born], where I observed two eagles soaring above the volcano, unfortunately I was not able to photograph them. They appeared to be very dark with shortish tails, the nearest description seems to be Bonelli's eagle but I am not convinced. I'd be interested in your comments. The male flew fast at the female, locked talons and they did a full circle before his return to the updrafts of the volcano - spectacular mating acrobatics! Brian New Zealand
Umberto Marzi 28-Jul-2011 20:44
Michele non so se ti ricordi di me? sono Marzi Umberto (Tecnotest), ho visto le tue belle foto. Ho anch'io questa passione, ... anche se mi manca il tempo.
un saluto
antonelloventurelli14-Jan-2011 12:22
ciao Michele, ci siamo incontrati ieri in Lessinia, ti faccio i miei complimenti x la tua bellissima galleria , e chissa' che si possa fare ancora qualche scatto assieme... ciao Antonello.
Pep 19-Dec-2010 10:38
Hola Michele,muy buenas tus galerias,tienes una colección de rapaces realmente buenas y nada fáciles de conseguir. Hasta una cópula de reales!! bravo!!
Enhorabuena por tu última foto de real en FN es una foto barbara!!
Un saludo y felices fiestas!!
Guest 16-Feb-2009 11:54
Dear Mendi,

I hope you do not mind me contacting you but in searching the internet for images of the blue rock-thrush, Monticola solitarius, I found a number of your images on your PBase site which I would be interested in using for ARKive, if you would like to become involved.

ARKive - - is a unique conservation initiative.

Films, photographs and audio recordings of the world’s animals, plants and fungi are being gathered into one centralised digital library. To date we have created digital multi-media profiles for some 3000 species, digitising and storing more than 20,000 still images and over 60 hours of moving footage. These important audio-visual records are being preserved and maintained for the benefit of future generations and are being made available via the ARKive website.

I can attach some more detailed documentation that will tell you a lot more about the ARKive project if you would like. However, in summary:

• It is ARKive's current primary aim to compile audio-visual records for the 16,000-plus species currently threatened with extinction, according to the World Conservation Union's (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species.

• We are looking for media (moving footage, still images, audio) to depict each species' life history as comprehensively as possible. In order for us to achieve this aim we need help from as wide a variety of donors as possible and would like to be able to add you to our list of contributors.

• The ARKive website acts as a showcase for image providers, displaying copyright and contact details with every image and links to each media donor's own web activities.

See examples of species which have been ARKived at

The team here at ARKive are constantly on the look-out for images of endangered species so please do let me know if you would like to contribute any other photographs of threatened species to ARKive, or if you have any queries. I am contactable on the email address below.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Dr Mairead Maclean
ARKive Media Researcher

"Over the past few decades a vast treasury of wildlife images has been steadily accumulating, yet no one has known its full extent - or its gaps - and no one has had a comprehensive way of gaining access to it. ARKive will put that right. It will become an invaluable tool for all concerned with the well-being of the natural world.”

Sir David Attenborough

"ARKive is a noble project, one of the most valuable in all of biology and conservation practice. It has whatever support I am able to give it."

Professor E. O. Wilson, Harvard University

Ground Floor | The Rackhay | Queen Charlotte Street | Bristol | BS1 4HJ | UK
T: +44 (0)117 328 5960 | F: +44 (0)177 328 5955
Alessandro 08-Jan-2009 15:14
Foto semplicemente meravigliose! Complimenti di cuore!
Un caro saluto
Alessandro Polinori
pedro trejo 02-Aug-2008 14:46
Todavía me falta por verla entera, ya la dedicare el tiempo que se merece cuando regrese de las vacaciones, pero lo poco que te he visto me parece muy buenas, tiene unas fotos de aves muchas de ellas nada fáciles de fotografiar, los quebranta en vuelo son tremendas, me gusta mucho.
Un Saludo compañero y gracias por tu visitar mi Web.
Pedro Trejo
Massimo Grion 23-Jun-2008 10:13
Beh, una galleria stupenda!!!!

PS per non lasciarti solo con i complimenti ;), un appunto: apprezzerei molto l'indicazione del luogo dello scatto, tanto per sognare ancora un po' ...

Congratulazioni ancora,

liesl lammers 30-Mar-2008 16:35
Beautiful pictures! I have a question: is the end of july a goor time for birdwatching is the area of Villafafila? My email adres:
Alvaro 28-Mar-2008 12:25
Splendide foto! Ho visitato tutte le sezioni del sito, "gustandomi" ogni immagine fin nei minimi dettagli. Un gran bel lavoro. Continua così! Ti visiterò spesso. Ciao, Alvaro
Luca Benecchi 02-Mar-2008 14:00
Bravo Michele, non me ne intendo molto ma mi sembrano foto bellissime. Non sapevo tu fossi un così bravo fotografo. Complimenti ancora, aspettando l'aquila....
Luca Benecchi
ugo 18-Dec-2007 10:14
prima o poi mi devi dare qualche dritta che ci vado anch'io...
ciao, ugo
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal18-Sep-2007 16:59
Hi Mendi,

I've just looked true your series of sweden and I have a guestion.
I'm very impressed by the pictures you made of the white tailed eagle, those are up there with the best I've ever seen.

My question is did you do some sort of guided tour in sweden where they use bate and wait in a shelter for the birds to show... or where you just very lucky stumbeling upon the birds feeding..

If it was a tour, I would be very, very interested to know where I can look this up or apply, because this is a bird I have in the topspot on my favourite list to make pictures of.
If you can help me it would by highly appriciated.


Guest 01-Sep-2007 10:44
Ho appena scoperto il tuo album: le tue foto sono di una bellezza sconvolgente!!
Complimenti vivissimi!!
Guest 04-Mar-2007 17:57
Nice Gallery