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Michael Sawicz's Recent Galleries

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29-Jun-2015 03:22
:: 2015_flowers__in_our_yard ::
03-Oct-2014 03:12
People - different times - different places.
:: People - different times - different places. ::
16-Sep-2014 19:26
 Latest Photos
::  Latest Photos ::
25-Aug-2014 20:36
:: sudbury_to_vancouver_train_travel ::
25-Aug-2014 20:28
5 hour train stop in Winnipeg
:: 5 hour train stop in Winnipeg ::
25-Aug-2014 19:56
:: vancouver_and_vancouver_island ::
25-Aug-2014 19:03
Whal Watching from Tofino on Vancouver Island
:: Whal Watching from Tofino on Vancouver Island ::
25-Aug-2014 18:26
Michael and Justin bungee jumping at Whistler Bungee.
:: Michael and Justin bungee jumping at Whistler Bungee. ::
08-Jul-2014 22:45
Andre and Rollande's 50th Wedding Anniversary
:: Andre and Rollande's 50th Wedding Anniversary ::
07-Sep-2013 15:37
Lake of Two Rivers - Algonquin Park.
:: Lake of Two Rivers - Algonquin Park. ::
04-Sep-2012 14:41
Scenic - different places - different times.
:: Scenic - different places - different times. ::
22-Aug-2012 01:23
:: kelowna_back_to_calgary ::