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Daniel Lauzon | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cadillac 1959 car and ambulance,hearse tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Cadillac 1959 car and ambulance,hearse

Voici des pieces de carrosserie pour Cadillac que je fabrique pour les auto et ambulance et corbillard Miller Meteor et Superior .
Here some Cadillac body parts I make for cars, ambulance and hearse, Miller Meteor and Superior.
Prix des pieces en U.S.D /Prices are in U.S.D.

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3/4 Quarter panel prototype on Superior ambulance
3/4 Quarter panel prototype on Superior ambulance
 Fender skirt  skin
Fender skirt skin
3/4 quarter panel testing on Miller Meteor ambulance
3/4 quarter panel testing on Miller Meteor ambulance
3/4 quarter panel testing on Miller Meteor ambulance
3/4 quarter panel testing on Miller Meteor ambulance
Panneau de porte / Door skin /Superior ambulance
Panneau de porte / Door skin /Superior ambulance
Panneau de porte /Door skin / Superior ambulance
Panneau de porte /Door skin / Superior ambulance
 Panneau de porte /Door skin /Superior ambulance
Panneau de porte /Door skin /Superior ambulance
Dessous  de porte /Door bottom /Superior
Dessous de porte /Door bottom /Superior
 Base de porte /Door bottom /Superior
Base de porte /Door bottom /Superior
Superior ambulance / Porte/ Door
Superior ambulance / Porte/ Door
Superior ambulance / Porte/ Door
Superior ambulance / Porte/ Door
Panneau sur porte/ Door skin on door/ Superior
Panneau sur porte/ Door skin on door/ Superior
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