Major Hardware Transition - Complete

Tracking down problems...

Keep an eye on the forums for reports and updates on specific issues related to the move.

If you experience an error or problem with your pages, please post in the forums or email with specific details about what you are trying to do and what you are experiencing.
Be sure to include URLs and any error messages you receive.


9-Feb-2019 9:50 PM EST

We just flipped the switch on a move we've been planning and testing for years.

This move makes a few major immediate changes.
* Completely new faster hardware.
* Completely new database software.
* All pages are now using https

More importantly, these changes will allow us to move forward again with improving the software.
We were stuck with a platform that made change very difficult without breaking anything, but now we'll be much more nimble.

First we'll have to iron out any wrinkles related to to this move. We'll be watching very closely for any bugs we missed during testing.
After that we will be focused on further performance and user interface improvements.
We want the site to be very fast and much easier to use.

We're very excited to finally get this done and move forward again.

Chuck Neel

9-Feb-2019 3:30 PM EST

We are now putting PBase in read-only mode while we make the transition to the new hardware.

Stay tuned to this page for updates.

Thank you.
-The PBase Team


We apologize for delaying the hardware transition by a couple of days. While doing testing, we came across some issues that we needed to sort out before making the switch. We are currently planning on making the transition on Saturday, February 9, 2019.


Hello PBase Photographers!

We are preparing for a major hardware transition for the PBase servers during the next week.

This transition will make the site much faster.

This transition is also laying the foundation for a more robust site and will allow us to make improvements and add features more easily.

During the final stages of the transition, PBase will be in read-only mode for a few hours. This means that everything can be viewed normally, but you will not be able to make any changes, such as editing, uploading, and commenting. We are working very hard to make sure this transition goes smoothly and quickly.

Once we have a more precise date and time for the read-only mode, we will post an update here and on your dashboard / home page.

Thank you.
-The PBase Team

Transition Scheduled : Saturday, February 9, 2019

last updated 17-Feb-2019 4:10 PM EST