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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Celestial Gallery >> Moon Gallery > Desert Moonset 20071124
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Desert Moonset 20071124

The Avra Valley

Saguaro (sa-wa'-roh) Cactus are 75 years old before they start to develop arms and live to be 150 years old.
The holes in them, such as seen in this one, are made by Gila Woodpeckers and Gilded Flickers and used for nests by them and other birds.
Saguaros are an endangered species and it is very illegal for people to damage them in any way.

Photographed in the Sonoran Desert west of Tucson, Arizona USA.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/200s f/7.1 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Gabriel Diaconu03-Sep-2010 13:30
Beautiful shot. V.
Lee G06-Aug-2009 15:31
Stunning composition, all the elements for a great shot.
Guest 05-Mar-2009 15:23
I'm proud to be from the only American state that has Saguaros, Arizona. I think you captured one of them supremely well. That composition is fantastic. Well done.
Patricia Cannaerts10-Jan-2008 07:46
Beatiful shot !
Bogdan Szadowski15-Dec-2007 16:14
Superb shot. Great composition. V
Bill Miller25-Nov-2007 15:40
Great picture from a lovely part of the world...
Milan Vogrin25-Nov-2007 14:27
Very nice!
Guest 25-Nov-2007 03:52
Wow. Just incredible. V
coaster24-Nov-2007 20:11
Beautiful shot!
Tricia24-Nov-2007 18:56
This is a beautiful image. I noticed how wonderful the moon was last night, and your capture of it with the saguaro is very special.
QUERIDO24-Nov-2007 18:50
Very nice shot,vote
Gayle P. Clement24-Nov-2007 17:58
A beauty, Gordon. v
Barbara Heide24-Nov-2007 17:52
are the holes in the cactus from bullits? Thank you, for having taken me to a dreamland...
Barbara Heide24-Nov-2007 17:50
lol! to watch with ennio morrecone music...
Jill24-Nov-2007 17:30
MarcWildPassion24-Nov-2007 16:24
Very sweet
monil24-Nov-2007 16:00
Wondefull scenery.
good light.