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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Location >> Canada Galleries >> Ontario >> Canadian Shield Gallery > Wakefield Covered Bridge
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Wakefield Covered Bridge

other sizes: small medium original auto
John R Marshall 02-Dec-2011 23:17
Mattias, the builders discovered that the bridge decking lasted much longer when covered.
Guest 31-Oct-2004 13:03
This bridge was built in the 1900 century and finish in was also destroy by someone setting a car on fire in the middle of the bridge in 1984......I think that the bridge was also to low for a towing to drive was rebuilt in 1997 with fund raising ......the bridge was built originaly wit a top on it to accomodate people crossing it and also childrens going to school......the rebuilt this bridge the same way is was before that criminal act was done

Mattias Backström01-Aug-2004 14:29
Nice shot. But maybe you can give me an answer on this question: Why is the bride covered? Is it just to make it look cuter?