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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photo Odyssey Galleries >> Photo Odyssey Favorite Galleries >> Cajun Country 2008-9 Gallery > Bayou Teche 26343
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Bayou Teche 26343

Photographed in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana, USA.

(from the Wikipedia...)
Bayou Teche was the Mississippi River's main course when it developed a delta about
2,800 to 4,500 years ago. Through a natural process known as deltaic switching the river's
deposits of silt and sediment causes the Mississippi to change its course every 1,000 years or so.

During the time of the Acadian migration to what was then known as the Attakapas region,
the Teche was the primary means of transportation.

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Sandi Whitteker19-Nov-2008 13:38
Very interesting Gordon. Like roads bypassed by freeways, the route becomes a quiet shadow of it's former self.