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Comparisons with other brands

  Please visit the new Jedson Guitar Website or the new Jedson Guitar blog

  Based on a comparison with guitars from the same period which have similar
  features, and based on available information, I have drawn the best conclusions
  I can regarding who the manufacturers were

  It is very difficult to determine who manufactured Jedson acoustics because
  there are so many similarities across many different brands and vintages.
  I believe that S.Yairi was the manufacturer of Jedson acoustics. I will
  hopefully find some evidence one way or another.

Jedson and Teisco Semi-Hollow Electric
Jedson and Teisco Semi-Hollow Electric
Jedson - Yairi Acoustics
Jedson - Yairi Acoustics
Jedson and Teisco Tele-style
Jedson and Teisco Tele-style
Jedson and Teisco Thin Archtop
Jedson and Teisco Thin Archtop
Jedson and Teisco/Greco Archtop
Jedson and Teisco/Greco Archtop