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Siberian Cat Boogie taking a walk in early spring 2007

Boogie (EC Amante's Boogie-Woogie) loves to walk in the woods - here he is exploring the woods on April 1, in Vantaa, Finland. - Boogie nauttii ulkoilusta palmusunnuntaina 2007 - All pictures by boogies host/kuvat: Linda Söderlund --- Cattery site /Kasvattajasivut --- --- Site Meter
My favorite surroudings- nice home forest
My favorite surroudings- nice "home" forest
Somebody up there?
Somebody up there?
Even here I love to pose!!
Even here I love to pose!!
Kiven valloittaja
Kiven valloittaja
Boogie jogging!
Boogie jogging!
g6/47/7947/3/76737410.MtshUiLN.jpg Bodariasennossa!
g6/47/7947/3/76737430.GftVxQrc.jpg Boogie's  eye magic!
Boogie's eye magic!
g6/47/7947/3/76737406.E242NRDE.jpg g6/47/7947/3/76737432.g4YQf5NC.jpg
A little break
A little break
g6/47/7947/3/76737434.WKmNVD4B.jpg What is this odeur?
What is this odeur?
g6/47/7947/3/76737437.ktbJem0R.jpg g6/47/7947/3/76737439.Rd6wIyAN.jpg Tryffels??
g6/47/7947/3/76737426.JLjyv7ep.jpg Gettiong a bit bored - where are all the birds??
Gettiong a bit bored - where are all the birds??
Let's wait -maybe they 'll appear
Let's wait -maybe they 'll appear
g6/47/7947/3/76737428.pEsj3MO4.jpg Still  playing with that camera?
Still playing with that camera?
Did I see a mouse?
Did I see a mouse?
Oops - maybe it was a snake?
Oops - maybe it was a snake?
Let's continue...
Let's continue...
Again somethign strange here...
Again somethign strange here...
I am not afraid of anything!!
I am not afraid of anything!!
Nothing good to eat here ----
Nothing good to eat here ----
Let's go home - maybe I'll get some nice treats.
Let's go home - maybe I'll get some nice treats.
Look at my bio paws!!
Look at my bio paws!!
What color gorup is this?
What color gorup is this?