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Tim Reisdorf | profile | all galleries >> Canadian Destinations >> Luther Village - Lake of the Woods - Canadian Shield tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Luther Village - Lake of the Woods - Canadian Shield

Luther Village is located 15 minutes outside of Kenora, Ontario. This wonderful camp is nestled along the shores of Echo Bay on Dogtooth Lake in the Canadian Shield.

This camp has numerous chalets and A-Frame cabins, as well as a few rustic log houses!

Many visitors have permanent camp spots where they park their trailers.

Although this is primarily a Luther Church Camp, many fishermen stop by for a few nights of lodging. The warm, friendly hospitality is inviting for all...

Luther Village Sunsets from the Beach
:: Luther Village Sunsets from the Beach ::
Labour Day Weekend at Luther Village
:: Labour Day Weekend at Luther Village ::
Path to Luther Point - Lake of the Woods
:: Path to Luther Point - Lake of the Woods ::
LV Scenic Views 2010
:: LV Scenic Views 2010 ::
Bog Walk to the Summit
:: Bog Walk to the Summit ::