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Inbound Matchmaking Programs

Held periodically, this conference/trade fair series was a definitive US-based China business matchmaking program that brought --
1) business and government leaders directly from China for one-on-one partnership building opportunities with companies here, facilitated by experienced bilingual consultants, and
2) experts active in both markets to share their knowledge and experience.

Because the best way to explore the China market is to sit across the table from the decision-makers of Chinese companies looking to do business with you, this event provided a highly economical, yet effective, platform for those who were eager to tap into China but who were unable to go there right away due to either time or budget constraints.
10.28.2010 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Chicago
10.28.2010 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Chicago
11.26.2009 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Chicago
11.26.2009 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Chicago
09.25.2008 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Chicago (Fall)
09.25.2008 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Chicago (Fall)
04.22.2008 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Chicago (Spring)
04.22.2008 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Chicago (Spring)
08.23.2007 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Philadelphia
08.23.2007 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Philadelphia
07.08.2006 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Hartford
07.08.2006 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Hartford
08.19.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Summer), Philadelphia
08.19.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Summer), Philadelphia
08.17.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Summer), Gr. Boston
08.17.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Summer), Gr. Boston
03.17.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Spring), Gr. Boston
03.17.2005 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference (Spring), Gr. Boston
11.10.2004 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, UMass Boston
11.10.2004 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, UMass Boston
12.11.2003 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Boston
12.11.2003 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Boston
10.29.2002 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Gr. Boston
10.29.2002 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Gr. Boston
05.30.2001 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Gr. New York
05.30.2001 | MeetChinaBiz Matchmaking Conference, Gr. New York