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Michael Tauber | all galleries >> Landscapes, Flora & Fruits >> Fruits >> Tutti Frutti > *
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February 2010 Michael Tauber


Haifa, Israel

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Joe Bonello26-Oct-2016 08:22
Great photo!
Frank Tran30-Apr-2016 13:53
Beautiful and sharp. V+
an nguyen28-Jun-2013 20:38
Glorious .
Randy Adams04-Apr-2012 11:50
Fantastic macro Michael! V
Tom LeRoy04-Apr-2012 05:53
Superb detail and color. Sharp focus! V
marko gregoric03-Apr-2012 17:34
Superb details. V
joseantonio03-Apr-2012 16:39
Beautiful details
Pete Hemington03-Apr-2012 15:55
Good work and I like the retention of the hairy skin too (rather than just a thin slice)
rousselziak03-Apr-2012 15:07
Excellent close up , love colour ! -v-
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